How MNC’S uses Artificial intelligence and Machine learning to make there application more responsive ?

Ishika Mandloi
2 min readOct 20, 2020


Have you ever thought about how we get feeds of our interest on Instagram?

Instagram uses Artificial intelligence to customize content for each and every user. Instagram explore tab works using AI, the AI model captures the tags you searched for in past and shows the posts which uses same tag, it also filters out the feeds in search feature according to our interest, for example suppose if you like a video related to travelling, saved a post related to art and you ignored some post which you are not interested to see then, for the next time it filters and put the saved and liked posts in feed and removes not interested post. In this way Instagram captures out interest to provide more personalized service to users.

Instagram helps businesses for marketing their products by targeted advertising. AI model captures recent searches of user and using ML concept of word embedding study about the words you used and shows the ad’s related to that field in stories suppose you search or like on a art post next time it will start giving ad’s related to art workshops in stories or posts. In this ways AI model helps Instagram helps to provide targeted audience to businesses.

Instagram uses AI to solve spam. The spam filter removes fake messages from accounts. Instagram uses Facebook’s AI text analytics algorithm Deeptext that works as human brain to understand the context of messages.

Instagram uses ML for automatically removing offensive posts. Uses Deeptext to identify offensive text and remove it. In this way Instagram, relieved users from cyber bullying.

Instagram uses AI in every way possible to make it more responsive, sensible and understanding application. All these features make users to use Instagram more and benefits businesses more because of its rich marketing features.

Thank you and hope this blog will be informative to you all😊

Keep learning.✌✌

