How slave can contribute limited storage to cluster?
When we create a Hadoop cluster data node contributes its whole storage to masternode , but to limit the storage given by data node we can use partition concept in Linux.

Lets see how we can do it!!
when partition was not created data node directly contributed 10 GB storage to cluster

To limit this storage we have to shut down this data node and create new volume that should be attached to this os
create a new volume
attach that volume to os
create partition in new volume using command

command to create new partition is ’n’ , so we will create a partition of 3gb in this volume.
Check if the partition is created using ‘p’ command
After creating new partition we have to format it to make it usable and command for format is

After format we have to mount it in folder which will be shared in cluster. Command for mount is

Now start name node and data node again and then we can see the contribution of storage is limited and now it contributes storage of 3 gb i.e. amount of storage given in partition.

In this way we ca limit the amount of storage to contribute by slave.
I hope this blog will be informative to you all.